Customer Service Quick Quiz


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What makes your customers happy? And, are you giving it to them? Finding out the answers to these questions should be top of any organization's list of priorities.

After all, if your customers' trust and like your organization, your sales will be stronger, your reputation will grow, and your customer service team will spend less time fielding complaints.

But keeping your customers happy isn't always easy. Perhaps you know that your service isn't great, but you're not sure how to improve it. Or maybe you're already streets ahead of the competition, and you want to make sure it stays that way!

According to the RATER model, great customer service is built on five key pillars: Reliability, Assurance, Tangibles, Empathy, and Responsiveness. In this quiz, we'll explore these five key areas in more detail, so you'll never miss an opportunity to delight your customers!

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